The defeat of the joints, osteoarthritis, occurs because of several reasons, but the consequences of the disease have a major negative impact on the vital activity of man. If you look at the osteoarthritis of the knee-joint, it should be noted that the disease refers to the most common of all the types of arthritis. The proportion of diagnoses that are identified by gender shows that in most of the osteoarthritis of the knee sufferers, the patients of the female sex. The statistics in the world says that about 22% of the world's population suffer from gona win.

What are the conditions that can lead to osteoarthritis of the knee?
To identify the cause of the arthritis, it took over the long-term examination of the patient, and the study of the clinical presentation of a disease process. The doctors pointed out that, under the influence of some negative factors, there occurs the destruction of the cartilage, and he uses it, and no longer protect the joint. The friction between the head of the joint, which causes pain that is caused and inflammation. Thus, we have set out the main reasons which lead to the destruction of the fabric of the articular cartilage:
- The breaking of the knee joint. If the person has, at some period of his life, he suffered a fracture in or dislocation of the knee joint, the at-risk group, and, later on, you can get the patient to read. If the damage is in the joint impedes your movement, and therapy, the therapy provides for their implementation. Time to find that stillness leads to a disruption in the flow of blood, thus contributing to the formation of osteoarthritis.
- Injury to the meniscus. One of the most dangerous reasons as well. Any damage to this organ of the knee joint invariably leads to the formation of gonarthrosis.
- Heavy physical load. Special care has to be dealt with in the strenuous physical load on the knee joint in the elderly. The high degree of pressure on the knee joint, which is the old, weak, and can cause microtrauma, which is not evident right away, but, then, leads to the formation of the negative in the process of destruction of the articular cartilage. After 40 years of age, you must be careful of your knees, and get closer to the sport and the hard work is reasonable, and by reducing the number of them. Eliminate the use of such exercises as the squat or do you move on the road.
- The weaker structure of the ligaments. It typically leads to a wave of the mobility in the joint. Pleasant in youth, and the flexibility of the body in old age has affected the status of the knee joint and will lead to the occurrence of gonarthrosis.
- Other diseases of the joints. If a person were to, for example, has been detected in arthritis, then it can turn into arthritis.
- - A large weight. Extra strengthen of the load on the knee joint, it is possible for the appearance of lesions of the meniscus. When the excess weight of the situation is even worse, if you develop osteoarthritis. If it's the one with the highest weight are present in varicose veins, which can become a very serious form of gonarthrosis.
- The problem is due to the change of the substance. The flaws in the metabolism and result in a bad input, of the elements that are required in a fabric. The cartilage and the bone tissue, clean out the calcium, and that's where it results in the destruction and weakening of the structure.
- Stress and nervous tension. Frequently asked concerns and experiences, from having a negative impact on the condition of the joints. Emotional, women are more prone to stress. Especially difficult to tolerate the stress a woman whose age is approaching 50 by the time it reaches the period of menopause.
Characteristics of the grade of gonarthrosis
In medicine, the accepted split of the osteoarthritis of the knee joints, to the extent of the character development. In addition, the larger the lesion, the disease may be bilateral or unilateral. Unilateral gonarthrosis fall on the right-hand side and the left-hand side. More information about the condition of a trader in this video is:
For each and every degree of the disease is to render the condition of showing the severity of his or her development.
The first level
To identify osteoarthritis in the knee-1 degree of a great amount of luck to both the doctor and the patient. The disease at this stage does not have powerful signs. The disease may be able to diagnose at the time of the day-care centre in care or during the investigation of another disease.
The second level

The symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee in 2nd grade, there are new signs of the disease. The manifestation of the starting point of the pain syndrome, stiffness in the region of the knee is increased. The muscles in the affected area is stunted by the fact that a person begins to secure the member to the patient, unless she is carrying. It starts with the deformation of the joint in which it is almost impossible to fix the knee. By means of a sampling expert to detect the abnormal upbringing. It develops gradually, deformation of the joint. The bad knee unbent.
The third degree
Osteoarthritis of the knees, the 3-level if it is to be in pain constantly. The strain reaches a critical mass, at which the member ceases to bend and stretch with the man, it is difficult to walk up to a complete immobility of the foot. In the absence of a proper treatment of the affected joint to develop ankylosis. The tissue of the cartilage, completely destroyed, and the friction of the joint is increased. He arrives at a situation where if you win, the tribe of the operation is the only effective form of treatment.
The characteristic symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee
To determine the existence of gonarthrosis is capable of only an expert, but for the patient, it is important that you know the basics of osteoarthritis of the knee symptoms. The disease is characteristic symptoms such as the following:
- The pain is caused. The pain in the knee when the osteoarthritis did not appear right away. Minor manifestations can be disturbing for the person over a period of years. Then, the gain of the pain, but they do not stop, and in a state of calm will come after a long journey.
- Off.2 and 3, the phase of light taps off at the knees.
- Synovitis. The accumulation of oxygen in the liquid at the joint of the knee is affected it leads to the appearance of swelling in the knee when the osteoarthritis, doctors call it a cyst a Baker.
- The strain on the knee joint.It appears at the end of the stage of the disease. Accompanied by a the inflammatory process and macular edema.
As it is diagnosed with gonarthrosis?
The main diagnostic tool for the doctor, who works in the clinical routine, it will serve as a review for the x-ray of a patient's care. The x-ray to the specialist, you can see the level of development of a disease process. In addition, a chest x-ray helps to rule out possible causes of painful sensations, swelling, and other diseases.
In the initial phase of gonarthrosis is shown to be weak, in the picture there is no change in behaviour. To establish the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a re-study over a period of time. When, in the course of the disease as an x-ray that shows the narrowing of the joint gap, and brings the seal of subchondral area of the joint. It is important to take into account the fact that older patients are typical of the changes in the joints, but all these changes have lead to the development of the disease. Only a combination of the signs of a gonarthrosis, visible in the photo, and make explicit the clinical symptoms allow the worker to note the presence of a person of the osteoarthritis of the knee.
Progressive ways of explaining and talking points for the disease
jpg" class='imgblock, right center_mob'>Modern medicine is constantly on the lookout for such as osteoarthritis of the knee is treated in an effective way, and to find new ways to deal with the danger of the disease. Today, patients are offered by these methods, such as ozone therapy, and therapeutic exercise.
Ozone therapy is the treatment of the affected joint mobility. It refers to the physical and allows for entry of the ozonated products to the injection in the muscle tissues. It acts as anti-inflammatory agents, and bezbolevaya, it helps to actually improving the blood supply to the area of concern. The method has the indications and contra-indications.
Therapeutic exercise is a complex of special exercises that are designed to improve the mobility of joints, to gain the flow of blood to the diseased spot, the recovery of the damaged tissue, the cartilage and the elasticity of the ligaments. To perform the exercises are used in training simulators. The work included not only the affected joint, but also on all the systems of the body, allowing it to be taken into the best shape of the body of the patient.
The therapy for a year, when the osteoarthritis knees
The therapeutic efficacy of the physical education when you read the articulation of the knee, proven in years of application, and the enthusiastic feedback from patients and, thanks to therapy, exercise exude a lot of fine motor function of the limb. Of course, it developed that the workouts are supposed to be one of the parts of the integrated treatment of the disease. How do you do it without medication, and physical therapy to achieve a complete as good as it gets. In the beginning of the therapy and for a year there is an excess of charges on the patient's articulation, it only shows the traffic is calm. At home, you can perform a simple exercise, it improves blood circulation and helps to relieve muscle spasms. You should lie down on your back, raise the straightened leg up and hold it under a weight for a couple of seconds. Only for you to raise your legs, one at a time, when he was in the same position as in the source.
The specific nature of the massage, when you gona win
A useful add-on to cope with the technique is to massage from the knee to osteoarthritis. Even seasoned professionals believe that a massage is necessary in the treatment of this disease. If you are going to do the massage on the knee when the osteoarthritis is in your home, you must follow a few rules. Before you start a massage, you should be good to warm up the knee joint. For this purpose, you can do it in the hot tub or hold up the knee, under a hot shower, but the abuse of procedure is supposed to be. To ensure the effectiveness of the massage, he will need to do it every day, spending 10 to 15 minutes in a single session. Massage, when you gona win, including three main techniques: stroking, kneading, and friction. The movement is repeated 3 to 6 times. If you have a pain in a knee joint, massage, and a healthy membership.
The therapeutic techniques of gonarthrosis from the experts
The problem of effective treatment of gonarthrosis are a large number of scientists and doctors. Some of them have already obtained significant results in the fight against the dangerous disease. In our country the special attention they deserve to the techniques of the doctor Bubnovsky-and-physician rheumatologist Evdokimenko.

The Method Of Bubnovsky
Doctor of medical science, With. M. Bubnovsky, he has developed a unique therapeutic complex in which he refused to do the drug intervention. An ideal point of departure for its method became a factor that was gona win, occurs to decrease the production of oxygen in the synovial fluid. When it disappears, the grease in the joint to stop functioning properly. The method of treatment of the Bubnovsky involve the use of physical therapy and therapeutic exercise. A selection of the exercises and procedures are carried out individually, and the physician depends on the medical condition of the patient and the stage of the disease. After looking at the x-rays, the doctor will construct a therapeutic plan. In terms of the physical condition of the patient is assigned gentle exercise. Over time, they will become more and more difficult, and keeping them on a regular basis, the patient can expect the following results:
- the normalisation of the power supply to the cartilage and bone tissues;
- the extinction of aches and pains in the head;
- the improvement in the cell structure of the tissue of the cartilage;
- the recovery of the full powered features of the knee joint.
In addition to this, in the dr. Bubnovsky provides additional guidance. The specialist will advise the patient gonarthrosis, actively swimming, going to courses, massage therapy, and participate in the steam. For the ease of the start point of the pain syndrome, you can take contrast showers, or applying it to the patient, of the tribe of the cold pack.
The Method Evdokimenko
Physician-rheumatologist Evdokimenko approach for the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. In the methodology it uses two components: medication and physical therapy.
When you gona win Evdokimenko makes use of a variety of drugs, which include the following:
- not-for-steroids-in tools, cleaning, ideal, pain-induced, and the inflammation;
- intra-articular injection, able to quickly cut off the discomfort, which occur in the articulation of a pathological process;
- chondroprotectors, through the components of the job that restores the cartilage of the cloth;
- analgesic gels, ointments and creams;
- all.
To strengthen the action of the drug, and the integrated system impact of the injury Evdokimenko offering to perform physical therapy, dress, exercise, and the use of techniques of manual therapy. If you are following a methodology based on the Evdokimenko, and to start the treatment at an early stage, it can completely stop the process for a 1-year period. When the 2 degree of the disease it can take years to lead to the articulation of the normal and to return it to natural mobility. The technical Evdokimenko is not used in the treatment of the 3-degree of gonarthrosis. The doctor is not without reason, says, that at this stage, the patient shows a surgical intervention. The number of the special considerations for Evdokimenko advice to stick to a diet, and once you balance your diet, improve your metabolism, and help with the tissues of the cartilage and the joint to get out all of my items are useful to you.
How to build a power supply when you gona win?
The job of a patient's excess weight, and build to the diet, so it was the foods that are low calories and rich in nutrients. Acute rejection of the food by the fasting will help you lose weight fast, but it also creates a stressful situation for the body. it may worsen the situation.

To estimate the daily menu and when you gona win, it could look like this:
- Free wi-fi. Oats in the water (with no salt, and ground), 1 hard-boiled egg and a glass of fruit juice.
- For the second breakfast. 1 cup of low-fat yogurt (natural).
- Lunch. Stewed vegetables, with a piece of meat or fish is a lean variety. The tea without the bulk.
- A snack in the afternoon. Cheese in a sauce pan. A handful of walnuts, and 1 cup of the juice from the fruit.
- For dinner. Salad, vegetables, apple, tea without the bulk.
- According to the evening meal. 1 cup 1% or low-fat yogurt.
At the time of the meal, it is provided with the customary for you to diet, but the receipt must be no later than 19 hours.
The prevention of osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a serious and dangerous disease, and the ability to change your life for the worse. The treatment of the disease, and that it takes time, it requires the patient to be patient and to certain limitations, habits, and diet. If you would like to never experience similar problems, care must be taken to its knees with the young people